Mortal Kombat X Studio Unveils More Spoilers About the Story and Characters as it Nears 2015

Mortal Kombat X Studio Unveils More Spoilers About the Story and Characters as it Nears 2015
Mortal Kombat X gamers will be more than happy to know that the studio behind the great game they all enjoyed playing are not leaving them with just time. Netherrealm Studios have constantly been giving the fans something to look forward to by giving some insider scoop about the Mortal X characters that will be joining the tournament. Fans are assured that their beloved favorites will be there, both the old and the new.
Boon had given us some scoop that there might be unfamiliar faces but we are more focused on the fact about veteran Kombatants who will be returning in the mix to spice up the tournament. By the time this game will be released, it is our hope that we get to be decided as to who we will choose as our player. Here is a list of some of the characters who are assumed to return to the MKX roster.
First off, we have the Thunder God Raiden. He is responsible for keeping all the Earthrealm safe from the forces of evil. With a heart of a protector and ability to use electricity, there is no doubt that he will be back for Mortal Kombat X for more action.
Aztec God Kotal Kahn and other half Shao Kahn, the couple with relatively similar fighting styles will be back in the mix with further fighting intensity. Sub-zero, the yin to the Scorpion's yang as well as D'Vorah are also rumored to be included in the roster. To get a complete list of characters as well as more information about the game, you can visit Mortal Kombat X wiki page.
Tags : Mortal Kombat X Mortal Kombat X release date Release Mortal Kombat X characters mortal kombat x trailer Mortal Kombat X news Mortal Kombat X rumors Mortal Kombat X spoilers mortal kombat x spoiler mortal kombat x latest news Mortal Kombat mortal kombat games mortal kombat characters mortal kombat news mortal kombat rumors mortal kombat wiki mortal kombat x wiki mortal kombat kano Mortal Kombat X Kano mortal kombat x kano x ray NetherRealm studios NetherRealm Studios twitter mortal kombat release mortal kombat release date mortal kombat plot mortal kombat gameplay mortal kombat characters mortal kombat d’vorah PS3 ps4 xbox xbox one xbox 360 ps3 games ps4 games ps4 price xbox one games xbox one price xbox one vs ps4 xbox 360 games xbox 360 emulator xbox 360 price mortal kombat ps3 mortal kombat ps4 mortal kombat xbox mortal kombat xbox one mortal kombat xbox 360 ps4 mortal kombat ps3 mortal kombat xbox one mortal kombat xbox 360 mortal kombat