Dr. David Jeremiah Had a Fall & Cancels All Speaking Engagements for "Singing in the Sun"

Christian author and popular speaker Dr. David Jeremiah took a fall on a conference cruise he hosted in the Caribbean in January. Even though at the time he felt he had fully recovered, he recently underwent a procedure to correct some residual problems from this injury.
In the best interest of Dr. Jeremiah's health, his doctors have asked him to take the rest of the month of April off and clear all travel dates so he can fully return to his busy schedule. He is planning to only preach at his home church, Shadow Mountain Community Church, on Easter, but will not be traveling until May.
Unfortunately, all dates that Dr. Jeremiah had scheduled in April, including "Singing In The Sun" at Myrtle Beach have been cancelled. Abraham Productions is disappointed that Dr. Jeremiah is not going to be able to attend "Singing In The Sun" and is praying for his complete healing and quick recovery.
Dr. Ralph Sexton will preach for Dr. Jeremiah during his scheduled times at "Singing In The Sun" this year. With his vast experience of end-time prophecy, and having just returning from Israel, Poland and the Ukraine border working with refugees, Dr. Ralph Sexton will bring much insight regarding prophetic scripture. If we receive any additional updates on Dr. Jeremiah, we will pass them along immediately.