FREE MUSIC: Leeland's "Yahweh"

The mp3 and song/chord sheets of LEELAND'S new single "Yahweh" is available for FREE for a limited time. Simply click HERE. The song is taken from their brand new Integrity Music album City of God which comes out this Friday, March 10th! Pre save/pre add it now.
"Yahweh" was inspired by Edwin Hatch's 1878 hymn "Breath Of God." The simplicity of this sung prayer was one that LEELAND resonated with,"Though having seen and done much in the past 17 years, I still find myself coming back to Jesus and asking for His breath again and again," frontman Leeland Mooring says.
"Yahweh" follows the band's passion for theologically charged songs and was inspired by them diving deep into the first and oldest name revealing the Lord in the Scriptures: Yahweh. The original spelling shows the words without vowels - YHWH - as a reminder of the utter holiness of our God. It also mimics breathing, the most basic need for human life, which LEELAND expound on in a worshipful call to praise the God who sustains our lives.
"The very act of breathing is speaking God's name. The beauty of that is, God breathed into creation so that we could breathe out His name," Mooring adds. LEELAND hope their new single becomes a song that inspires the Church to come to the altar again, "To that place of prayer and encounter with the same God who breathed into the dirt and said, 'it is good'," Mooring concludes.
"Yahweh" is an intricate track, making space for the Church to join their voice and God-breathed worship back unto him.
Tags : free music leeland Integrity Music City of God Yahweh