Hillary Scott Talks About Her Miscarriage that Inspired Her Current #1 Christian Hit "Thy Will"

On Friday July 29th, Lady Antebellum's Hillary Scott will be releasing her debut Christian album Love Remains. Produced by Ricky Skaggs, the album features brand new Christian tunes as well as hymns and spiritual songs. The lead single "Thy Will" which is currently a top 40 country hit and a #1 Christian hit came about after experiencing God's healing after Scott's miscarriage.
In an interview with People, the artist talks about the emotional turmoil she felt after her miscarriage. "Dates are hard," she admits. "Like, I would have been due in April. April was tough. But ... I'm really okay. I'm really at peace. I can honestly say I am already seeing the beauty from the ashes, exponentially more than I thought I ever would just through the connection with others and knowing that this song, in particular, has met them right where they needed it. And I'm okay with that. I can accept what happened, and I know that it's okay, and I know that I'm going to see that baby one day, and that is the ultimate peace."
The outpouring of support and similar stories has been overwhelming, she adds.
"It's an unlimited number of prayer requests that I feel like I'm getting on a daily basis," Scott says. "It has been such an incredible way to feel connected to people all over the world. I feel like our hearts are in it together."
"My goal, my heart for this whole project was for it to get heard," Scott shares. "However it gets heard, I am really okay with ... I'm just over the moon excited that people are getting to hear it, that it's touching people's hearts, that it's doing really incredibly well on the Christian chart. I'm happy."
Tags : hillary scott hillary scott news hillary scott miscarriage hillary scott thy will hillary scott love remains