Martin Smith Teams Up with Matt Redman & Nick Herbert for New Single "Emmanuel" (Video)

Former Delirious? frontman, co-founder and primary songwriter, Martin Smith has teamed up with Matt Redman and Nick Herbert in penning Smith's latest single "Emmanuel." This single is the first release from Smith's Oct. 21 new album "Back to the Start," which will be released though Integrity Music exclusively throughout North America.
"On a rough day, I found this promise-filled video so strongly shoring up my faith, and the absolutely terrific voice of Martin Smith, filling my heart with comfort," comments one fan at the YouTube site. "I tend to forget that the Lord is 'HERE' with me every moment, especially when I am down. Joshua 3:10 tells us 'The Living God is among you'...thank you Integrity Music and Martin for helping me to grasp that."
"Emmanuel" is one of several anthems on Back To The Start written and recorded with Martin's extended community of artists/songwriters. The collection also features co-writes with Michael W. Smith, Chris Tomlin, Rend Collective Members (Gareth Gilkeson, Chris Llewellyn), Tim Hughes, Reuben Morgan and more.
Martin, who also recently recorded and toured with Jesus Culture in North America, is experiencing a musical rebirth following almost 20-years spreading a new sound of worship with the groundbreaking band, Delirious?. The inspired new music has been cultivated in a reinvigorated season of living in community. Back To The Start springs from a man refreshed and reconnected with Jesus and with his local Church body, with songs that speak of personal revival.
"I've known Martin since before the Cutting Edge years of Delirious? and his heart has always been to lead people in worship," says Integrity Music's Adrian Thompson, Vice President of A&R. "It's exciting and a pleasure for us, as Integrity Music, to partner with him in taking these songs of worship to the lips of worshipers throughout the world."
Tags : Martin Smith martin smith emmanuel martin smith back to the start martin smith new single martin smith new album martin smith matt redman Matt Redman