Aaron Williams to Release "Resurrection Hope" Jan. 31

Aaron Williams introduces "Resurrection Hope," a brand-new single announcing an upcoming project releasing in spring 2025. The song is releasing on January 31, 2025.
In October 2023, Williams unexpectedly lost his friend and pastor. Staggering through the grief with his church family, he remembers their gatherings feeling like quiet prayer services for months until eventually, the theme of "Resurrection Hope" began emerging. The devastation started to make space, little by little, for him to ponder the meaning of Christ's resurrection.
Inspired by 1 Corinthians 15, Williams penned "Resurrection Hope" as a song that stands in the face of life's most difficult moments with the victory and hope of Christ. Though it was born in the ashes of loss this song is anthemic and spacious, inviting worshippers to step into the reality of resurrection.
With "Resurrection Hope," Williams tells of the foundational belief repeated by generations of the Church: Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will come again.
You can pre-save the song HERE.