Hillsong College on Probation after Australian Regulator Raises Compliance Concern

The Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) has confirrmed it was investigating the Hillsong Church since March this year. The ACNC has now published details of an enforceable undertaking from Hillsong College Limited (Hillsong College). The ACNC recommends that the college be placed on probation last week due to compliance concerns.
The investigation found issues with matters such as reporting obligations; compliance with financial and operational record keeping; governance standards; and compliance with ACNC's External Conduct Standard, which covers things such as the way a charity manages its activities overseas, how it is required to control the finances and other resources it uses overseas and the requirement to comply with Australian laws.
"On 20 December 2024, the delegate of the ACNC Commissioner of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission accepted an enforceable undertaking offered by Hillsong College Ltd," the ACNC announced.
An enforceable undertaking is a court-enforceable plan voluntarily offered by a registered charity to take or not take a series of actions in order to meet the compliance standards of the charity regulator.
If the charity is found to be in breach of the enforcement undertaking, the ACNC could get a court to enforce the terms of the agreement. If the charity still fails to meet the terms of the agreement, criminal charges could be levied.
Tags : Hillsong College Hillsong hillsong church Hillsong College on Probation after Australian Regulator Raises Compliance Concern