Keith & Kristyn Getty Team Up with Matt Boswell and Matt Papa for "All My Boast Is in Jesus"

Keith & Kristyn Getty are honored to share their new song, "All My Boast Is in Jesus" with Matt Boswell and Matt Papa. Inspired by Galatians 6:14, "All My Boast Is in Jesus" is a counter-cultural response to the values of this world, urging us to boast solely in the cross of Christ and tell of his strength through our weakness.
The Gettys write, "We hope its upbeat melody will serve as an energetic service opener or an uplifting anthem for family sing-alongs!" (Download sheet music)
Watch the song's video HERE.
Click here to learn more about the rest of the Sing! World Tour album featuring guest appearances from Andrew Peterson, Chris Tomlin, CityAlight, Laura Story, Sandra McCracken, and more.
What wonder of wonders, what love is this
That Christ would die for me
His goodness, His merit, His righteousness
This sinner's only plea
O foolish pride, be crucified
The work is finished
All my boast is in Jesus
All my hope is His love
And I will glory forever
In what the cross has done
Now fully forgiven, my life is filled
With graces undeserved
For mercy that flowed down that sacred hill
Let praises now return
Rise up my soul, and bless the Lord
Who else is worthy?
All my boast is in Jesus
All my hope is His love
And I will glory forever
In what the cross has done
O praise the One forever blessed
Him alone my heart adores
And I will boast in nothing less
Than the love of Christ my Lord
Verse 3
I boast not in riches, in strength or might
But in the grace of God
I glory in weakness, to live is Christ
In plenty or in want
That I may know, that all may see
His pow'r within me
All my boast is in Jesus
All my hope is His love
And I will glory forever
In what the cross has done
Now I stand in this freedom
Ransomed, clean in His sight
And I cannot be ashamed for
My boast is Jesus Christ
My boast is Jesus Christ
Forever my boast is Jesus Christ
Tags : "All My Boast Is in Jesus" Keith & Kristyn Getty matt papa matt boswell Sing! World Tour album