Did Noah’s Flood Really Happen? New Film, "The Ark and The Darkness," Presents Undeniable Proof

Did Noah's flood really happen? Filmmakers Genesis Apologetics and Sevenfold Films' groundbreaking new documentary, The Ark and The Darkness: Unearthing the Mysteries of Noah's Flood, sets out to dispel the myths about the catastrophic event when the movie from Fathom Events debuts in theaters March 20-21.
Today, as most of the church - and the world - either ignore the Genesis flood or believe it wasn't global or recent, excitement is building over the upcoming release of this long-awaited cinematic voyage that will become the definitive resource to address critics' arguments against the existence of Noah's Ark and the great flood.
"We are excited to introduce undeniable proof of Noah's Flood. Through an arsenal of evidence that is both irrefutable and compelling, 'The Ark and The Darkness' proves and illuminates that the great flood of the Bible is indeed historical, unveiling not only undeniable evidence of Noah's flood but also the astonishing parallels between Noah's flood and the end times," says Dr. Dan A. Biddle, President of Genesis Apologetics and executive producer of the film.
"The Ark and The Darkness" depicts the epic tale over 4,000 years old, preserved in ancient writings from every major culture around the world. Many thought it was only a myth, but recent scientific discoveries confirm what the Bible has said all along.
Genesis Apologetics and award-winning Sevenfold Films' director of Genesis: Paradise Lost, Sevenfold Films present The Ark and The Darkness: Unearthing the Mysteries of Noah's Flood. Ancient history, volcanism, the dinosaur fossil record - all of these and more converge on one simple point: Noah's flood is not a myth, it actually happened, and more recently than you might think. Filmed at the Answers in Genesis "Ark Encounter" (full-sized replica of Noah's Ark) in Kentucky, with interviews filmed at Liberty University Bible Museum, this movie features a team of leading scientists, including Answers in Genesis theology/history of geology expert Dr. Terry Mortenson, and Points of Origins Ministries professor/theology expert Dr. Charles Jackson, as they reveal the truth about Noah's flood.
The experts tackle frequently asked questions regarding the exact nature of how the flood happened and whether it was a local or global event. The film provides an unexpected yet irrefutable explanation for why the flood occurred and the absence of pre-flood artifacts, including insights into the missing Garden of Eden archaeology.
As Dr. Terry Mortenson explains, "The flood was not localized in the Mesopotamian valley, as many Christians believe, but was global in extent. This was no spring rain to water the garden. The non-stop global rain for 40 days was an expression of the wrath of God. The language therefore clearly implies earth movements on the deep ocean floor as it broke open (i.e., earthquakes), which would trigger unimaginable destruction."
The Ark and The Darkness: Unearthing the Mysteries of Noah's Flood, promises an immersive experience that transcends the boundaries of conventional storytelling and demonstrates the filmmakers' unwavering passion for crafting a high-fidelity film of biblical proportions. Their goal is to present the most Biblically and scientifically accurate representation of Noah's flood ever released in theaters.
"Our co-producer and director Sevenfold Films does an amazing job crafting the most photo-realistic representation of Noah's flood to ever be in the theaters," says Biddle. "We seek to counteract the distorted picture of Noah and the ark continually represented in our modern entertainment, such as the fictionalized movie, "Noah," which distorts the Bible in a nonsensible way. We also address our culture's imbedded presupposition of evolution, and its lack of awareness of the facts and evidence."
Mark your calendars for March 20-21, 2024, when this film hits the theaters. Tickets go on sale starting February 2, through Fathom Events. Be prepared to experience the Genesis flood like never before!
Genesis Apologetics provides Christian families with Biblical Creation training to help them stand strong in the faith. They are committed to providing Biblically and scientifically based answers to the evolutionary theory that many children are taught in public schools. Their mission is to strengthen the faith of God's children by grounding them in biblical truth and equipping them to discern error, one divine appointment at a time.
Fathom Events is a recognized leader in the entertainment industry as one of the top distributors of content to movie theaters in North America. Owned by AMC Entertainment Inc. (NYSE: AMC); Cinemark Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: CNK); and Regal, a subsidiary of the Cineworld Group (LSE: CINE.L), Fathom operates the largest cinema distribution network, delivering a wide variety of programming and experiences to cinema audiences in all the top U.S. markets and to more than 45 countries.
For more information about "The Ark and The Darkness," visit Fathom Events, Noahsflood.com, Facebook and Instagram.
Tags : The Ark and The Darkness Sevenfold Films Genesis Apologetics