Son-in-Law and Daughter of Hillsong's Brian Houston to Host Informal Night About New Church Plant

Peter and Laura Toganivalu, son-in-law and daughter of Hillsong's founder Brian Houston, are hosting their first informal information night on their new church plant in Sydney. They are meeting interested future church members on Wednesday, Oct. 18, 6 pm at the Vicar (195 New Line Road, Dural, NSW, Australia).
A year after her father stepped down as global senior pastor, Hillsong Church founder Brian Houston's daughter, Laura and her husband, Peter, announced that they, too, have officially stepped down as global pastors of the denomination's youth ministry, Hillsong Young & Free.
Hillsong Church's new Global Senior Pastor Phil Dooley made the announcement in May that the couple were "moving on" and invited them on stage to formally bid the church farewell. Laura Toggs and her husband shared a clip of their parting statements to the church on Instagram. Both thanked Dooley and his wife, Lucinda, for allowing them the opportunity to address the church before they left, a courtesy Brian Houston was not allowed when he stepped down in disgrace.
"Thank u Ps Phil & Luc for creating a moment in the service as we step into a new chapter. It gave us the chance to share our hearts with our church of 30/36 years & it meant a lot to be prayed for alongside our kids in the place we have both grown up in," Laura Toggs wrote on Instagram.
Tags : Hillsong Laura Toggs Peter Toggs Brian Houston new church plant Peter and Laura Toganivalu