
Gray Kimble Leaves 2nd Chance Ministries

2nd Chance Ministries

Gray Kimble has left Southern Gospel trio 2nd Chance Ministries as their tenor singer. Kimble joined the group two years ago and has been the perfect addition, both musically and personally to co-members Ricky Malloy and Brandon Gainey.

On leaving, Gray Kimble said, "I love this ministry and this group. They are some of the best friends in the whole world and being able to minister beside them has been such an amazing journey."

Lead singer and manager of 2nd Chance Ministries, Ricky Malloy, added, "Not everything that comes is a storm. We love and appreciate Gray and all of the sacrifices he has made, and he remains our friend beyond ministry. We were blessed to have him. I pray that when we're close by and he's not busy, he'll stop by and sing one with us."

Kimble's love for the church and music began at a young age and is still strong today. In addition to singing, Kimble plays the piano, keyboard, drums, organ, and bass. Although it is tough to step away from the group, he is sensing the Lord calling him to rest, spend more time with family, and turn his attention toward his other passions at this time. 

All members have voiced their commitment to continue to pray for one another as they step into this new era.2nd Chance Ministries is now accepting applications from qualified tenor singers interested in joining the trio. Submissions, including a resume, photo, and vocal demo, can be sent to Donald Deaver at [email protected]

Tags : 2nd Chance Ministries 2nd Chance Ministries news Southern Gospel Gary Kimble

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