Prestonwood Baptist Church's "The Gift of Christmas" to Feature a 1,000-Member Cast and Choir

Prestonwood Baptist Church will host its annual "The Gift of Christmas" celebration, featuring The Living Nativity, Dec. 2-4 and 7-11 at the Plano Campus. Tickets are on sale now at
"The Gift of Christmas" is a Prestonwood tradition and has become one of the highlights of the Christmas season, nearly 75,000 guests attending every year.
This visually stunning multimedia event is complete with special effects, a nearly 1,000-member cast and choir, live orchestra, flying angels and more.
The program will feature camels and kings, flying angels and eye-popping virtual scenery, bringing the Christmas story to life in a breathtaking way. The scenic pieces, costumes and choreography are highlighted by a brilliant, original musical score, arranged and orchestrated just for Prestonwood and this special event.
"'The Gift of Christmas' has become a tradition for countless families throughout our region and surrounding states," said Senior Pastor Jack Graham. "And more importantly, this annual event allows us to provide wonderful family entertainment and the opportunity to share the Gospel through the poignant story of the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ."
An optional Christmas buffet will be served prior to each showing. Buffet tickets are available for purchase here.
Learn more and download the "The Gift of Christmas" mobile app, where you can access exclusive content and easily purchase tickets, here.
Find more Christmas events hosted by Prestonwood Baptist Church, including the annual Christmas Tree Lighting Festival here.
Tags : The Gift of Christmas prestonwood baptist church Christmas