One Half of All Sons & Daughters' Leslie Jordan Releases "Great I Am"

One half of the Grammy Nominated All Sons & Daughters Leslie Jordan is back with her new single "Great I Am" via Integrity Music. The new single invites us in a universe of peaceful folk, where soft songs and strong messages are carried by the Leslie Jordan's clean and warm vocals.
"Great I Am" was written in 2019 in YWAM Kona, Hawaii, where the artist collaborated with the local team to craft songs for their community. After appearing on YWAM Kona Music's 2021 live album, "Great I Am" quickly transcended its missionary context and stuck to Leslie. Its simplicity and the way it reflects who God is, not just his greatness but his nature too, is indeed catchy and touching.The delicate tune points to the Lord's consistency despite the seasons we seem to go through; our ever-changing lives cannot be compared to his enduring nature.
With this new version of "Great I Am," Leslie Jordan hopes to serve more people, as she concludes: "I believe in songs for the church, because church isn't only on Sunday morning and Wednesday night. I think it's in the car with your kids. I think it's, at a funeral for someone that you've lost that you love deeply. I think it's at the top of a mountain that you've climbed or in the valley you've laid down in."
"Great I Am" marks a new beginning for Leslie Jordan, not only musically but as a safe and inspirational figure in the worship sphere.
Jordan is a creative artist living with her husband and son on lush Tennessee land just outside Nashville. Yes, it is true, Leslie served on staff and led worship at an eclectic church just south of Nashville for ten years made up of a large portion of artists. It is also true that, from 2010-2018, she comprised one half of the Grammy Nominated All Sons & Daughters, is currently one of the Integrity Music Publishing staff writers, and co-founded the Nashville-based non-profit, The Fold, where she now serves as Executive Director.
Tags : all sons & daughters Leslie Jordan "Great I Am" leslie jordan Integrity Music