Hillsong Church is Restructuring Its Leadership Following Scandals

Following the resignation of Hillsong Church's founder and Global Senior Pastor Brian Houston, Hillsong Church is re-structuring its leadership. The re-structuring hopefully will foster greater accountability for the new Global Senior Pastor and the leadership. This is in response to the two complaints that have been brought to the church alleging that Houston had acted inappropriately towards two women.
Acting Global Senior Pastor Phil Dooley outlined five key changes to Hillsong's governance. The changes, said Dooley, are aimed at "ensuring health within our church". They include:
1. "The president or global senior pastor and the chair of the board and now separated. They are not the same person, as it was previously.
2. The global senior pastor is elected by the board. Previously, it was dictated in the bylaws who this person was.
3. The global senior pastor brings leadership vision and direction to the church, but is accountable to the board.
This means that the vision and direction will be discussed with the board in order to work together to achieve the goals outlined.
4. Previously, only the global senior pastor could nominate new board members. Now, new board members may be nominated by any board member or the global senior pastor.
5. There is no longer a requirement that the global senior pastor is a director. There is currently no reason why that person wouldn't be on the board, but it's not a requirement."
Dooley added that "no one person can carry all the responsibility of our church on their own. No one person, no one couple."
"The reality is we need to create a healthier model for our church leadership going forward," said Dooley. "This is not about heavy-handed accountability. This is about health at every level - from the role of the senior pastor, through to those who are leading at campuses across our church. From those who are our global lead pastors, this is about how do we help them?
"The question is how do we ensure that whoever is in the role of global senior pastor or lead pastor or campus pastor, how do we make sure they have the right support, counsel, care and concern to help them do the job to the best of their ability? To fulfil their duties well, and to ensure our church is safe and a loving community for everyone and anyone who comes through the doors - that's our goal."
In addition, Dooley assured the congregation that an independent investigation has commenced in an effort to bring clarity and transparency to the scandals the church has had been facing.
Tags : Hillsong hillsong church Brian Houston Phil Dooley Hillsong restructuring leadership Hillsong scandals