Paul Baloche, Christy Nockels, Rita Springer, Natalie Grant & Others Offer Online Live Worship Training

Paul Baloche, Christy Nockels, Rita Springer, Natalie Grant, Todd Fields, Mack Brock, Charlie Hall and others wull be hosting a live online worship trainning session. The SUMMIT is a chance for you to experience the Worship Circle community for yourself. It is a 3 hour online worship training. To register click HERE.
It will take place on February 22, from 2 to 5 pm EST. Tickets only cost $49. You will choose your small group mentor and join leaders just like you from all over the world. You'll be encouraged and inspired during main session time, then heard and prayed for during small group time.
During the first part of the SUMMIT, you'll have the chance to be in a small group community with the mentor of your choice, and with other worship leaders from all over the world, who you will soon learn are more like you than you realize. A few minutes to tell your story, and experience the community that Worship Circle provides!
In the final hour of the SUMMIT, you'll have the chance to learn in a live session from some of the Worship Circle mentors and/or special guests. This teaching time is sure to impact your heart and soul, but also give you practical tips that will impact your worship leadership and ministry.
Within a few days after the SUMMIT, you'll receive a link to download a video of your SUMMIT Experience, including small group and large group teaching, yours to keep forever!
Tags : SUMMIT SUMMIT worship training Paul Baloche Rita Springer Natalie Grant Christy Nockels charlie hall mack brock