Amy Grant Welcomes Granddaughter

Six-time Grammy-winner Amy Grant announces that her daughter Millie, and her husband Ben Long welcomed their first baby on Monday, Jan. 3, at 10:14AM in Nashville. Amy's granddaughter is named Penelope Willow Long.
"What a way to kick off 2022!" Amy shares with People. "We are over the moon at her safe delivery. Mom and baby are doing great!" Grant also tells the publication that she goes by "Ama" instead of other names like "Grandma" and "Nana."
Amy's daughter Gloria "Millie" Chapman was the inspiration behind her 1991 #1 pop smash hit "Baby Baby." Millie and her husband Ben tied the knot in 2019 after meeting on a dating app more than four years ago. "It is hard to believe that same 6-week-old girl who inspired the lyrics to 'Baby Baby' is now a beautiful married woman," Grant told People at the time. "Her life has given us a lot of reasons to dance and celebrate through the years!"
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Tags : Amy Grant Amy Grant granddaughter Penelope Willow Long. Amy Grant news