FREE MUSIC: Village Lights' "Here is Our Hallelujah"

In partnership with WE ARE WORSHIP and Integrity Music, Village Lights is offering their new single "Here is Our Hallelujah" for FREE only for a limited time. To get your free mp3 and chord charts, click HERE. Village Lights is comprised of Sarah Kroger, Ike Ndolo, and Ricky Vazquez, based out of Nashville and Arizona. The song is a worshipful symphony growing from beautiful simplicity to a full-fledged anthem including choirs and a communal pattern of echoing the praises.
"Music is always best when made in a community," shares multi GRAMMY-nominated worship leader Matt Maher, producer for the Village Lights' album and mentor to the group. "This requires such a level of trust. Every great artist knows this fundamental truth. Art is something best shared. I love this group and their willingness to include so many in their journey of creativity. I'm honored to help them as a producer and bring this treatment of the end of the liturgical year into a collective work of song for the Church and for the pilgrimage of the believer."
Earlier this year, the band released their debut self-titled EP, which introduced their heartbeat. One of unity, inclusivity, and reconciliation wrapped in worshipful devotion. Seeing themselves as more than a band, but rather a movement for those who seek justice in our world and Church.
Tags : Village Lights "Here is Our Hallelujah" Village Lights new single Integrity Music free music