Hillsong Global Senior Pastor Brian Houston Blasts 'Inconsistent' Coronavirus Church Rules

Hillsong global senior pastor and founder Brian Houston says Christians are being discriminated against in NSW, Australia, as congregations at church services remain at just 100. The pastor told 2GB radio on Wednesday all his congregation wanted was consistency as the government announced this week 300 guests would be allowed at weddings from December.
"(At) the grand final this week, 40,000 to 45,000 people (will be) hugging, shouting, spitting, high-fiving - it's just the inconsistency of it," he said.
"Churches seem to be left behind."
In NSW, Australia, weddings can have up to 300 guests from December 1 and up to 40,000 fans can attend a sports event, while strict limits remain in place for church services with attendances capped at 100.
'Of course watching the football and people are cheering and hugging and spitting and high fiving, community event numbers are growing, but there has been absolutely no change to churches,' Houston told Today Show on Wednesday.
'You can have 300 people indoors for a wedding. But you can't have anything like that, 100 people indoors obviously socially distanced, no matter how big the building.'
'We have some big buildings but we are only allowed 100 people in there. I think people are listening. Maybe the change is coming. I know the Anglican Archbishop and the Catholic Archbishop has been speaking to the government,' Mr Houston told Today host Karl Stefanovic.
'I think that changes are coming but they need to come.'
Tags : Brian Houston Hillsong hillsong church Brian Houston coronavirus church rules coronavirus