
"The Lucky Ones" Launch Campaign to Honor the Lives of Those Fallen by the Coronavirus

The Lucky Ones

Hundreds of thousands have lost their livelihoods and loved ones to COVID-19. The virus has now killed more Americans than the Pearl Harbor assault, the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the Iraq and Afghanistan wars - combined. All of these lives have meaning. Every single person was special to someone.

The Lucky Ones (TLO), a life-affirming social, video platform and online community, recently launched a new campaign to celebrate the lives of those fallen from the Coronavirus. Behind every statistic of lives lost is an individual, and that person deserves to be remembered and honored.

Established by film producer Joseph Alvaro and Pulitzer Prize finalist film critic Matt Zoller-Seitz, The Lucky Ones is a short-form video series and social platform which explores the relationships with those we have loved and lost. Drawn from the diversity of our society, people from around the globe are encouraged to tell their stories about that special someone who impacted their lives. It is a testament to our common humanity.

"This devastating pandemic has taken the lives of so many," said Alvaro. "No one should be defined by their death but rather their life and the goodness they gave to others. So rather than think about how sad we are because someone special has died, we should celebrate their life and all the love they gave us and others around them."

The Lucky Ones is encouraging anyone that has lost someone to the pandemic, or knows someone who has, to share their story and what made that person so special. They have the technology that allows their producers to interview people remotely. They can direct and shoot interviews in HD using participants' iPhone, iPad or computer webcam. The 1-minute videos will be edited and hosted on their streaming platform, as well as shared via their social media channels.

If you, or someone you know, would like to schedule a remote interview, please email: [email protected]

About The Lucky Ones

Everyone has a story to tell - The Lucky Ones is where those stories live.

The Lucky Ones is a life-affirming social and video platform celebrating the continuing bonds shared with those we've loved and lost. The Lucky Ones video series was the winner of the 2019 Ridgewood International Film Festival in the Web/New Media category.

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Tags : the lucky ones "The Lucky Ones" campaign coronavirus coronavirus fears

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