Ball Brothers’ Daniel Ball to Appear in Feature Film ‘Pardoned By Grace’

Daniel Ball, lead singer for popular Gospel group The Ball Brothers, will appear in the faith-based feature film Pardoned By Grace, scheduled for release in 2020.
Ball has worked in the film industry previously as a photo double for actor Chris Pratt and as a background actor on films with Tom Hanks, Robert Downey Jr., Clint Eastwood, Tom Cruise, and others. He will play the role of Kyle Devaney in Pardoned By Grace, which is based on Scott Highberger's autobiography, Behind the Wire: A Prisoner's Journey to the Pulpit.
In his book, Highberger describes how God has completely transformed his life-from a tumultuous past fraught with 35 arrests, eight felony convictions, drug addiction and 22 years in and out of prison to a new life as an outreach pastor who ministers to thousands of inmates.
The film version of his story stars Joey Lawrence (Gimme a Break, Oliver and Company, Hawaii Five-O) as Scott Highberger and Michael W. Smith as a pastor who played a role in his transformation. Pastor Ben Graham, grandson of the late Billy Graham, is the film's producer, and Kevan Otto (Forgiven, Grace of God, In the Name of God) is directing
Tags : ball brothers daniel ball joey lawrence pardoned by grace pardoned by grace movie Michael W. Smith