Citizens' New Album "Fear" is Out

Citizens latest full-length album, Fear is out. Fans can stream or download the album now: Later this month, the band will kick off a North American tour next month, with more dates to come in this fall. For a full list of dates, please see below.
The Seattle-based band Citizens has been breaking molds since their shotgun birth in 2011. Forming just months prior to their debut EP, Already Not/Yet, Citizens found instant success and endearment in the hearts and ears of people worldwide. Now with three acclaimed full length albums under their belt, they embark on what is to be their most ambitious project to date with Fear. With a blend of weighty lyrics and post-retro Pep-rock, the tension that Fear brings is sure to be the kind of record that gets under the skin in all the best ways.
Citizens have produced Fear from start to finish without the backing of a record label.The band reached out to fans via Kickstarter and have raised over $62,000 for Fear (over $40,000 more than their original goal). Learn more about the project here: Citizens is Zach Bolen (Vocals, Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar and Keys), Spencer Abbott (Vocals and Electric Guitar) Nathan Furtado (Bass), Brian Eicrhelberger (Piano, Synthesizer and B3 Organ), and Adam Skatula (Drums).
For more information, please visit:
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