Plumb Reaches Out to Demi Lovato After Her Drug Overdose

Singer, author and songwriter Plumb has reached out to pop singer Demi Lovato who has had suffered a drug overdose. Lovato was rushed to the hospital on Tuesday in Los Angeles for a suspected drug overdose.
"This beautiful girl is not alone. She represents so many of us," Plumb wrote on Instagram Wednesday.
"We live in a fallen world...with broken, sharp edges all around us and when we don't have God's hand holding ours guiding us, we get cut and scraped and wounded from those sharp edges of this world. All of us," she explained. "However, we can have hope... Because He can heal the wounds and use the scars to tell stories and make beauty from them."
"I'm praying today for Demi Lovato... Not because she's famous... but because she's a broken girl. Because she's a human struggling. Because much like you and I... we need to know we aren't alone and we need love and we need prayer for our broken places," the "Beautifully Broken" singer maintained.
Lovato claims to be a Christian. She's even got a tattoo on elbow that says "Faith" and a tattoo on her hand of a Christian cross. She has said that she wants her fans to see her faith every time she holds a microphone.
As is so often the case, God really comes out when times get tough. In the height of the media circus surrounding her rehab incident, she tweeted: "Sometimes it seems like God just keeps throwing crap my way and I get SO angry with him ... But there's never a doubt in my mind He's gonna pull me through it all. I know you're there God. But umm ... Really dude? He never fails to show me He's by my side though. Even in the tough times."
Tags : Plumb plumb news demi lovato demi lovato faith demi lovato drug overdose