Duck Dynasty Phil Robertson Speaks at Republican Leadership Conference, Watch Here (VIDEO)

Duck Dynasty Phil Robertson Speaks at Republican Leadership Conference, Watch Here (VIDEO)
The Republican Leadership Conference event held last week featured "Duck "Dynasty" star Phil Robertson as she spoke to the assembled crowd. Have some advice to potential GOP candidates who might run for President in the upcoming 2016 election, less than two years from now.
"GOP, you can't be right for America if you're wrong with God," said Robertson to people in attendance. "You want to turn the Republican Party around? Get Godly."
Robertson flashed some humor as well saying, "I guess the GOP may be more desperate than I thought to call somebody like me."
The same day in New Orleans, The Duck Dynasty patriarch also sat down with Fox News host Sean Hannity at the Republican Leadership Conference to talk. You can watch the video of Phil Robertson and Sean Hannity above. His comments are sure to raise a lot of debate on both sides, but at least he shares his heart and doesn't hold back.
"With me it's all spiritual warfare," told Robertson to Sean on his "Hannity" show on FOX. "I'm wanting them to give their life to God Almighty, Jesus his Son, and be saved from their sin - and be saved from the grave one day."
"I took the Democratic platform, and I read it, and I said, one thing for sure, I ain't no Democrat," shared Robertson. "I said, well, [The Republican party] don't rip human babies from their mother's womb. They're not endorsing perversion. So I said, you know what, I think I'm a Republican."
Season 6 of the reality series "Duck Dynasty" returns on the A&E network on Wednesday, June 11 at 10/9 Cst.
Tags : Duck Dynasty phil robertson comments republican national convention new orleans GOP season 6 duck dynasty duck dynasty a&e fox hannity show the robertsons phil robertson republican phil robertson video