Carman is Cancer Free & Gets Married

Popular Christian musician Carman Domenic Licciardello, known to fans simply as Carman, took to Facebook over the weekend to announce that he no longer has cancer and that he's now a married man. The contemporary Christian music star was diagnosed with myeloma in February 2013. Myeloma, a cancer of the plasma cells, is deadly. Doctors gave him three to four years to live.
"JUST MARRIED SAT: Dec 16th." He added, "It's been a long time coming but Uncle Carm, the proverbial bachelor bit the dust tonight when I married the New Dana Licciardello in Dallas Texas. It's a long day and a real miracle story that I'll share all the details in the days and weeks to come but let me just say this about the goodness of God: 4 years ago I was diagnosed with incurable cancer with a short time to live. Pushing 60, with no hope for a family or a long life. Most of my family has either passed away or live such distant lives that we never see each other."
"So my family had shrunk to My mother, my sister in law Sandy and my niece Loni. Just us 4," continued Carman.
"Today, I am 100% cancer free with a beautiful Godly wife and huge family "Literally" as big as Dallas. Add 3 new sisters, 7 nieces, 5 nephews, 1 son, 5 daughters and 9 grandchildren. A son in law who's a fireman Paramedic. And even a nephew who's an MMA fighter. I'm overwhelmed with Family," he said.
He ended his post by saying, "God has restored me in 100 ways and it's only just beginning."