Join Bryan Popin And Others As We Step Together In Unity with his Latest Video “Step In The Name!”

Bryan Popin and other major recording artists & celebrities are helping to STEP Together In Unity with Popin's latest single and video "Step In The Name!" And YOU can join them. You too can help join this movement by simply submitting your own personal video of Bryan Popin's song "STEP IN THE NAME!" We believe there is beauty in diversity... ALL colors, ALL cultures, ALL races and ALL walks of life. We want to celebrate YOU! So, in spite of what we see on the news and all that is going on in our world today, we are going to let love win by Stepping Together In Unity. So tag, now is your turn... Will you join us? Here's what to do: Post it on YouTube: eMail: Check out Popin's "Call To Action" & pre-view of the "STEP IN THE NAME" video: For more info & Specs: Be YOU, have fun and YOU just might end up in Bryan Popin's Official World Premiere Video of "STEP IN THE NAME!" and joining hands with major recording artists & celebrities. So let's "STEP IN THE NAME" together in unity! |
Tags : bryan popin step in the name bryan popin new video bryan popin news