Trillia Newbell Teaches Us How to Delight Daily in God's Good Gifts in New Book

Watching a gorgeous sunset. Sharing a laugh with a friend. Tasting a sun-ripened strawberry. Each day is full of opportunities for you to savor the countless gifts the Creator has given.
But do you feel free to delight in God's abundant gifts, or is your joy sometimes distorted by guilt, fear of idolatry, or simply an overwhelming awareness of sin's effects on this world?
Trillia Newbell explains how we often miss opportunities to participate in God's divine delight because we're discouraged, fixated on selfish fulfillment, or paralyzed by guilt. Enjoy (releaes Dec 20) serves as an encouraging reminder of God's gracious gifts and also challenges women to view all of these gifts-from relationships and careers to food and sex-as reasons to rejoice in the Lord and grow in our understanding and appreciation of who He is.
This thought-provoking book invites you to explore the truth of God's Word and discover how to nurture daily a spirit of gratitude and deep satisfaction.
Enjoy will open your eyes and your heart to the freedom of fully enjoying all God has given us!
"In Enjoy, Trillia Newbell draws us toward a better understanding of the goodness of God. She invites us to give ourselves permission not just to see His goodness, but to savor it in tangible ways in the simple pleasures of life. Her message is challenging and freeing, practical and personal, spoken with the graciousness that characterizes her life and ministry. I was drawn to reflect on my tendency to misuse or take for granted God's good gifts, and I was reminded that enjoying them as they were intended to be enjoyed is nothing less than an act of worship."
-Jen Wilkin, Bible teacher and author of Women of the Word
"Can we honor God by enjoying his good gifts? Boldly and simply, Trillia Newbell says yes. Take up her practical and biblical challenge to find delight in the everyday. Most important, let your heart brim with gratitude and praise for the Giver of all good things."
-Jen Pollock Michel, award-winning author of Teach Us to Want and Keeping Place
"Trillia Newbell writes with wisdom and grace on why Christians can and should take joy in the gifts that God has given us. This practical book will help all Christians see how the gospel transforms every part of our lives. Trillia Newbell is a gift to the church."
-Russell Moore, president, Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission
"Are you weary of contrived checklists and lackluster limitations that stifle faith and steal your joy? This book is the breath of fresh air you've been craving. In this delightfully refreshing read, Trillia invites us, indeed, to taste and see that the Lord is good-and so is this glorious world and everything in it. God has given us all good things to enjoy, and this book sets us free to relish every moment of every aspect of our lives."
-Deidra Riggs, author of One: Unity in a Divided World and Every Little Thing
"In her new book Enjoy, Trillia Newbell warmly invites us to the forgotten feast of joyful living. She reveals how we can find delight in our duties, pleasure in our play, fellowship in our friendships, and wonder in our world. Most of all, she faithfully encourages our enjoyment of God as we enjoy the gifts He's given."
-Melissa Kruger, author of The Envy of Eve and Walking with God in the Season of Motherhood
"I grew up in the church. I've heard literally thousands of messages canvassing almost every topic you can imagine. Almost. I have never in my life heard a single message that God has green-lighted me to simply enjoy Him and all of the gifts He has for me-until now. My friend Trillia Newbell has done both Christians and those curious about Christ a great service. She's eulogized the 'curmudgeon God,' portrayed by so many Christians throughout the centuries and has unleashed a smiling God who wants His children to come alive through the gifts He's given us. I so wish I had read this decades ago."
-Bryan Loritts, lead pastor of Abundant Life Christian Fellowship and author of Saving the Saved
"Trillia J. Newbell has an infectious joy. Her joy in the Lord and the good gifts He gives us bursts forth from these pages like a firecracker on a summer night, like a flow of water between the rocks, like an uncontainable word of praise for a job well done. This book, like its author, is a delight."
-Karen Swallow Prior, PhD, author of Booked and Fierce Convictions
"As you walk with Christ and mature, you come to realize true Christians live in a state well described by the apostle Paul: 'Sorrowful, yet always rejoicing.' Trillia Newbell has the ability to point you to real joy in Jesus while not ignoring the pain that's an ever-present reality for us all. You will find real comfort in her biblical exposition of this world's beauty without sugarcoating the bitter parts of Christian life. I truly appreciate an author capable of such balance."
-Aixa López, blogger at Corazón a Papel (Heart to Paper); pastor's wife; and board member, Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO) of Guatemala
About Trillia Newbell
Trillia J. Newbell is the author of two previous books, Fear and Faith and United. Her writings on issues of faith, family, and diversity have been published in the Knoxville News-Sentinel and Relevant Magazine, as well as on numerous websites, such as Desiring God, Christianity Today, and The Gospel Coalition. She is the director of community outreach for the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the SBC. Trillia lives with her husband, Thern, and their two children near Nashville.
Tags : trillia newbell Enjoy Finding the Freedom to Delight Daily in God's Good Gifts trillia newbell new book