Shinebright “Only You” EP Review

Prime Cuts: Reckless for Love, Only You, Spectacle of Light
Shinebright may have abbreviated their name from Shine Bright Baby, but they have not domesticated their music just to pander Christian radio. Rather, taking their bright and shiny synth pop up another level, "Only You" their sophomore release for BEC Recordings, finds the duo broaching into fresher EDM beats. Thanks to a stellar team of remixers including David Thulin and DREAM Records remix guru Matthew Parker, the beats are fiercer and more penetrating; in fact, they stand toe-to-toe with the best of David Guetta or Zedd out there. Lyrically, this 9 song EP (featuring 5 new songs and 4 remixes) does encompass more than just those disposable feel-good messages. Rather, there's a stronger emphasis more on worship where God doesn't just confined in the closet of anonymous pronouns.
"Reckless for Love" is the first song to get out of the incubator as the EP's lead single. Just like a cruise along the ocean road with the windows rolled down on a warm summer day, "Reckless for Love" is destined as a summer hit. Featuring a cheery whistle and an orotund sounding electronic percussions, "Reckless for Love" brims with a mien of confidence to live sacrificially for Christ because of what He has done. Borrowing a page from Brooke Fraser's recent foray into electronica, "Closer to the Sun" is a simmering piece of elongated synth beats and auto-voicing that ought to be a dance favorite in no time. "Only You" finds the duo dabbling more into the worship genre with a heightened emphasis on God that is so liberating to sing along to.
Nevertheless, the EP's highlight has to be "Spectacle of Light." A sublime work of art: here Shinebright combines heavy rock guitar riffs, powerhouse vocals, and stirring orchestrated strings all together in a musical potpourri that actually excels. Though one would prefer a full 10 -new track album rather than 4 remixes of the existent songs, Matthew Park's touch on "Limitless" is a fine exemplar of how electronica can be used in dramatic ways to bring out God's sovereign ways. If you love worship with a bounce, "Only You" is propulsive to the feet and invigorating to the heart in pushing us to yearn for greater things only the Savior can bring.
Tags : shinebright only you ep review shinebright shine baby shine only you review Album Review shinbright news shinebright new album shinebright news