Husband and Wife Team Colin and Paige Edge Release Their First Worship Album

Colin and Paige Edge, a husband and wife team of worship leaders, have released their brand new worship album "Break Heaven Open." Thanks to Kickstarter and the support of fans, the album is currently available for purchase.
Colin & Paige Edge are worship leaders from the Dallas, Texas area. This is what they have to say about the record: ""Break Heaven Open" will be ten songs - fast, slow, and most everything in between. We feel that these songs "work." They work in church just like they work on your iPod: with honest, worshipful lyrics about being in God's presence and making His presence real in our lives everyday."
Speaking about the vision the couple has for the album, they say, "We want to sing the songs that God has given us to positively and powerfully enhance the way people see, hear, and know God. We're all in, and we whole-heartedly thank you for your support."
01. Break Heaven Open
02. Love Is Everything
03. I Need You
04. Never Let Me Go
05. All I Can Say
06. Heaven Cannot Contain
07. I Am Yours
08. Give Us Your Heart
09. Live in Us
10. Your Great Love
Tags : colin and paige edge break heaven open colin and paige edge New album colin and paige edge worship leaders colin and paige edge break heaven open colin and paige edge news colin and paige edge New album